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Monday, April 25, 2016

Always be Prepared!

Hey guys! So what is on my mind right now is preparedness. This is partly because, of course, I am a scout. The other reason, which is more the leading case in point, is that just yesterday, the perfect storm arrived while I was downtown. Me and my family were driving when we blew a tire. Not a problem right? Even after driving a mile on a flat to a parking space, just replace with the spare. It is when you take the jack and tools out of the vehicle that it gets tricky. Even then one can walk to a shop or flag someone down to borrow their tools. The big thing that became the issue was we had recently taken the glove box out to do some wiring work in the dash, and the tire lock was inside. DON'T FORGET YOUR GLOVE BOX AT HOME is the new phrase for preparedness. See ya and allons-y.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Joy of Children

नमस्ते(Namaste) guys! That is right, we have added India to our list of countries, on this blog and not the other one! I am pretty happy about this and I hope you are too. I will post randomly on both blogs from now on, until I can manage more time to write. Today, I wanted to write about the joy that children can bring. I have been helping with a cub scout pack for a few months now and it is one of the best things I have ever done. I spend most of my time with the tigers, which are first graders. Kids, no matter how badly they behave, will bring a smile to your face and pride to your heart every time they do something right, and sometimes by doing nothing at all. Tonight I am helping the whole pack, made of 1st through 5th graders, with going to a Boondocks to play games and laser tag. They do outings like this from time to time. But, more than anything, I am exited to see the kids. I feel like having them full time may get on my nerves, and I would get tired of them, but I would be glad to work with them more than I do now. I am not advising anyone to have kids, but I am advising everyone to spend some time with them, on a volunteer basis. Nothing is more worth your while. See ya and Allons-y.