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Sunday, February 28, 2016

Change of Plan

Hey guys, I've been doing some thinking and I have decided that I don't want to do two blog posts on a single day, it feels wrong. Also, this blog needs to be less structured. You can expect here on this blog that there will be one post on the weekend and one one midweek, being Wednesday or Thursday. Anyways, update on the whole Nico thing, he decided to seek help on his home, which, to be honest, I was hoping for. He is doing much better and indeed, seems to be acting just fine. I will continue to keep an eye on him though, after all, he lives in another state, so he could be lying. Anyways, thoughts upon my mind right now, friends and forgiveness. Indeed I was able to hang out with some friends of mine this weekend, on the premise of my recently had birthday, and just have fun, do some laser tag and bowling (never too old!), talk some Star Wars and Marvel, and even marathon back to the future. But, what pleased me most was seeing my friend, who shall now be called Bruce. I don't see him nearly as often as any of the others. Yet, he is one of my best friends. Of course, having company and paying their admission into places has been very expensive, and of course, the house is an absolute mess. Heck, I even had an ice cream cake, my favorite, and my slice (we divided the cake evenly) was sabotaged while I was in the restroom. I will just have to wait for more than just a bite. But, boys will be boys, and even though I may be a little upset about all that comes with hosting guests, I found the experience more than worth it. I hope I am able to keep communications with Bruce up better than before, but we will see. Long story short, friendship is a valuable resource, do not squander it. See ya and allons-y.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Beginning of a New Age

Hey Guys. So this past weekend was my birthday, it was a rather good one, as I got to spend some time with some friends of mine, and some family too! It was nothing over done or anything, but I really enjoyed it! For a short while now, I have felt it has been the little things that have been making me the happiest. I am finally learning to enjoy the little things in life, something it has taken me too long to realize. For example, the favorite present I received this year was from my sister, a small Google Play card, which I used to purchase some music from my favorite band, which is Fall Out Boy. I purchased the album Save Rock and Roll, an album I listened to on YouTube all the time and is probably my favorite album that they wrote. My favorite songs on the album are The Phoenix, Young Volcanoes, and Save Rock and Roll, in that order. What many people versed in Fall Out Boy Know is that the songs from said album's music videos, when played in the right order make The Youngblood Chronicles, a movie starring the band. This is the link to said movie free on YouTube. That has really been the main thing on my mind ever since Saturday. Although today, on a spur of the moment thing, realized I could get my blog up and running again, as well as open another one up. This has got me ecstatic. I am becoming concerned for my friend Nico, who is dealing with, we believe, some crippling bipolar depression. He can control it when in groups, but when it is one on one, he can't hide it as well as he'd like. He has full reason to be as sad as he gets, all the time instead of some of it. You can see what I did to try to help him on my other blog The Random Geek. His whole life has been sort of terrible, although from an outsiders perspective, you might think the life sounded pretty OK. You have not, however seen it. I am one of his only friends who has witnessed all that is truly wrong with his life. Many of his closest friends are concerned for him and want him to seek help. I mostly think he needs to concentrate on the little things in life, which I am glad I can now do. For all of you that are not Nico, just remember, no matter how normal someone acts, or how good their life seems from an outside perspective. I don't want to end this on a depressing note however, so lets recap on the main theme right now. Enjoy the little things in life, because often times they contain the most bliss. See ya and allons-y!

New Blog!

Hey guys! While the blog entitled The Random Geek will remain active at, from now on it will only be for geek news and advice, still to be posted Tuesdays for advice and thoughts, with Friday being for news, Musings by The Random Geek will be a bit more personal, and will be updated the same times and days of the week at It will be structured loosely like a log of my life. It will consist of whatever is on my mind. I intend to use code names for all involved to conceal identity. Also, please note that Musings will be just that, musings, which are opinions. Please do not feel offended by anything I post. I am kept to a strict honor code to not divulge names for any persons. See ya and Allons-y