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Wednesday, August 24, 2016


This joke about naming a knife kindness and killing people with kindness has been removed out of respect for all of the school violence that has come up as of late. It is a sad day when one feels it necessary to remove an amusing pun from a post made a good while ago out of respect for those who have lost everything from children to friends to peace of mind due to an increase in violence. I don't want to be in any way encouraging of this horrible behavior. I can be funny and speak my mind while avoiding certain topics. This is a statement about how we can not take anything as a joke anymore, and even I know when it is not a time to be funny, the rest of the post will remain untouched. But I want everyone to know, that I feel horrible for what this world has become, and am here for anyone going through tough times. Just fill out the Contact the Geek! form on the right of this site and I will get back to you as soon as humanly possible.

Hey guys! What has been on my mind lately is kindness. Partially because some places in my life are a little short on it as of late, but mostly on accounts of the surplus of it most places in my life as of late. As some of you know, I crew for a hot air balloon. Well, this past  my pilot lacked paid passengers on a day it was good enough to fly. He proceeded to do what we call "hops". This is when he goes up for 15-20 minutes and then touches down to switch passengers. In return for our services, the whole crew got to go up. Also, as I work for piece rate, a coworker of mine who is hourly took set up the scales, etc. for me a few times yesterday, once before I came to work, and once while I ate lunch. He also shared with me his breakfast, which was a leftover egg and cheese biscuit thing with hot sauce that his mom made him when he visited last weekend. Sometimes he will also share some of his lunch. My buddy Eli wrote the topic proposal for Wolter on Our View when Wolter was unable to. The point is, I have been surrounded by kindness as of late, and would like to ask you all to be the kindness to the people in your lives. Go out there, and make someone smile. See ya and allons-y.

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