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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Sounds important

Hey guys. As you can most certainly not tell by the title of this post, what has been on my mind lately is communicating, the importance of doing it clearly, and the benifits of it. Yesterday, I was supposed to be helping organize a trip to my local lake with some friends of mine. When weather went south, I was forced to call it off, this is about the time that things began to go south. I didn't have everyone's numbers, and even using chain messages through the people I did have the contact info of, it did not get to the right people, especially those that were most important to get the info to(my fellow organizers). It was successfully postponed and the evening saved, but I realized that this was pure luck, and I had to be better prepared. I have since made sure that contact info was better spread, and will word my needs differently in the future. Also, as some of you may know, I recently started a job at a tech company in my area, and so far it's been great, working on computers, chatting with my co-worker(who started the same day as me), and having an overall wonderful time. Today was great as well, but my co-worker was in a less-chatty mood than normal for her. The day seemed to move physically slower, and boredom threatened to sink in and take me over(repetitive work). I'm sure everything will work out fantastically, but I never realized that communication, even worthless chatting, can be a very effective form of entertainment and motivation. That is what I call a large-scale benefit of communication(and having friends wherever you may be). So I charge each of you, to go out, re-connect with an old friend, make a new one, or make plans to hang out with one you don't see enough. I also charge you with the task of being kind to all who you see, you may be surprised who will come back later in your life, and remember the little things you did, even if you just sold them coffee or something. You will thank yourself for doing what I have set forth for you to do. It may even change your life, always for the better. See ya and allons-y

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