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Wednesday, August 24, 2016


This joke about naming a knife kindness and killing people with kindness has been removed out of respect for all of the school violence that has come up as of late. It is a sad day when one feels it necessary to remove an amusing pun from a post made a good while ago out of respect for those who have lost everything from children to friends to peace of mind due to an increase in violence. I don't want to be in any way encouraging of this horrible behavior. I can be funny and speak my mind while avoiding certain topics. This is a statement about how we can not take anything as a joke anymore, and even I know when it is not a time to be funny, the rest of the post will remain untouched. But I want everyone to know, that I feel horrible for what this world has become, and am here for anyone going through tough times. Just fill out the Contact the Geek! form on the right of this site and I will get back to you as soon as humanly possible.

Hey guys! What has been on my mind lately is kindness. Partially because some places in my life are a little short on it as of late, but mostly on accounts of the surplus of it most places in my life as of late. As some of you know, I crew for a hot air balloon. Well, this past  my pilot lacked paid passengers on a day it was good enough to fly. He proceeded to do what we call "hops". This is when he goes up for 15-20 minutes and then touches down to switch passengers. In return for our services, the whole crew got to go up. Also, as I work for piece rate, a coworker of mine who is hourly took set up the scales, etc. for me a few times yesterday, once before I came to work, and once while I ate lunch. He also shared with me his breakfast, which was a leftover egg and cheese biscuit thing with hot sauce that his mom made him when he visited last weekend. Sometimes he will also share some of his lunch. My buddy Eli wrote the topic proposal for Wolter on Our View when Wolter was unable to. The point is, I have been surrounded by kindness as of late, and would like to ask you all to be the kindness to the people in your lives. Go out there, and make someone smile. See ya and allons-y.

Sunday, July 24, 2016


Hey guys! Lately what has been on my mind is sleep, and let me tell you why. I crew for a hot air balloon, which is always a great time, of course. The problem is that you have to wake up at 4 in the morning to go out on a field, and hope that the wind will be below between 5 and 10 miles per hour on the ground, depending on how our pilot feels. This just tends to mean a nap midday, after tailgating on the field, or an early sleep that night. This, however, is not an option when you are at a balloon rally. A balloon rally is a time when every moment of your time is occupied, getting all the balloons in the air, enjoying the events, and doing as the pilots tell you. This is the story of my weekend. I had Friday off work, so my family and myself left home in the early evening on our way to Casper, Wyoming. We arrived at our hotel just after midnight, running into 2 more members of our crew, close friends. After a brief conversation about the drive and how tired we were, we retired to our rooms. We then found ourselves walking, groaning a little bit, back to the front desk. A family of 4 needs at least 2 queen beds, 1 king is not sufficient. Thanks to the rally, they were sold out, all they had was 1 more room with a king bed, reserved for someone else, but that they gave to us for the night. The kids in one room, the adults in another, 4 floors and several rooms apart. In the morning, we checked out of the hotel room, and departed to go ballooning. This day was all about the local media. The wind was high enough that our pilot, the balloon miester of the event, who we shall call Mickey told the pilots gathered "You could fly if you want, but the landing is sure to be...sporty" Only one balloon flew, and they only did it for the TV publicity.  We went garage sale shopping, because we knew that this was our only day for personal time, for relaxing time. I purchased a short sword for $10 to go on my wall. We napped for 4 hours, which, when combined with the previous night's sleep, we still didn't get 8 hours of precious sleep. We awoke to go to the pilot exclusive dinner. We were invited because of the invitation of the balloon miester, the ultimate authority. spaghetti and conversation, as well as brownies that were good enough to make me believe that someone sold their soul for the recipe. They did us all a service in the process. We swam in the hotel's indoor pool for a short while, enjoying the feel of water. That night gave us about 6 hours of sleep. We arose once again at the crack of dawn to go ballooning, but again we weathered out, no balloons even setting up. We proceeded to join a family friend, Daniel, for a large-scale float down the river, for any balloonists and crew that wanted to. It was tranquil and scenic, and then we hit the rapids, I almost flipped once, just at the end of the last rapid, but I stayed in. During this time, we got a brief history of a conservation project in the area from a local pilot. After the float, we  rushed back the the hotel room to get dressed in full Mardis Gras garb, for a themed pilot party. The crayfish boil was delicious and there was more than enough. After the party, we went straight downtown to candlestick. This is when we set up the baskets without the envelopes and send flames high into the sky. I attended the burner for a while, as children teens and adults came in and out of the balloon, pulling the burner for fun. There was even a pair of blonde twins my age that each stood on a side of me and pulled a burner for a photograph. I was made fun of for that for sure, as I was single, and one left a piece of hair behind stuck on my shoulder by accident. I was also caught off guard that evening when, as I was passing out ballooning cards and pamphlets a girl (who was too young for me, probably about my sisters age) points at me as I am giving her family their stuff, and exclaims in a bit of a fast shriek "OMG he is adorable" Or something along those lines. Neither me or her parents new how to react. I essentially ignored it and politely directed them over to our basket, so they could pull the burner. A late night, and minimal sleep, plagued us again, and I hoped that sleeping on the floor this many nights was not hurting my back. We woke, and finally, we flew. It was a beautiful flight, and the man inside the flight proposed to his girlfriend(lovely people). I was on the ground, of course, chasing the balloon. But not before I could take some pictures of a balloon. I had been commissioned to take these photos at my last rally in Frederick, Colorado. At that rally, I could not get the pictures I needed to give my client the options he required and deserved. Saturday, I got the photo that will go on the side of his trailer for all to see, with my name right by it. We departed, and the drive home was long, but enjoyable, as we were all listening to the 39 clues, and I spent a bit of the ride writing this blog entry. Well, I guess that is all for this time. See ya and allons-y!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Sounds important

Hey guys. As you can most certainly not tell by the title of this post, what has been on my mind lately is communicating, the importance of doing it clearly, and the benifits of it. Yesterday, I was supposed to be helping organize a trip to my local lake with some friends of mine. When weather went south, I was forced to call it off, this is about the time that things began to go south. I didn't have everyone's numbers, and even using chain messages through the people I did have the contact info of, it did not get to the right people, especially those that were most important to get the info to(my fellow organizers). It was successfully postponed and the evening saved, but I realized that this was pure luck, and I had to be better prepared. I have since made sure that contact info was better spread, and will word my needs differently in the future. Also, as some of you may know, I recently started a job at a tech company in my area, and so far it's been great, working on computers, chatting with my co-worker(who started the same day as me), and having an overall wonderful time. Today was great as well, but my co-worker was in a less-chatty mood than normal for her. The day seemed to move physically slower, and boredom threatened to sink in and take me over(repetitive work). I'm sure everything will work out fantastically, but I never realized that communication, even worthless chatting, can be a very effective form of entertainment and motivation. That is what I call a large-scale benefit of communication(and having friends wherever you may be). So I charge each of you, to go out, re-connect with an old friend, make a new one, or make plans to hang out with one you don't see enough. I also charge you with the task of being kind to all who you see, you may be surprised who will come back later in your life, and remember the little things you did, even if you just sold them coffee or something. You will thank yourself for doing what I have set forth for you to do. It may even change your life, always for the better. See ya and allons-y

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Hey guys, as you can see, both blogs have gone through some changes, especially this one. The reason behind this is that I am in a mood for change. Goodbye white background! Goodbye Photoshopped Matt Smith logo! Goodbye default Favicon! Hello new. What got me in the mood for change is a recent change in my family. My oldest step-brother had a daughter. We get to help raise it. I may not be a father, but I am an uncle, and as you are aware, I think that is better. If you haven't read that post, here is the link The Joy of Children. Children at all ages have their upsides, as far as care-giving goes, and all is rewarding. I am going to have the pleasure of being their for my little niece Amaya through every stage of her life, and yet won't have to be there all the time, for all of the bad. It is not right for everyone, but I will love it. It is an indescribable feeling, to see a newborn, know that it is of your own family, and know how big of a part of it's life you will be, almost to the letter. I know that feeling now. I hope that this new addition to the family will like me half as much as I like her already. I hope you guys like the changes to the blog, but don't worry, I am still going to keep up my spastic posting schedule, and keep each blog to the same themes I began with. I would also like to announce a contest. My google plus page needs a cover, and I want one that is fan made. Every entry will be featured on the blog of your choice, and my favorite will go up on the page. Send all entries to See ya and allons-y.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Always be Prepared!

Hey guys! So what is on my mind right now is preparedness. This is partly because, of course, I am a scout. The other reason, which is more the leading case in point, is that just yesterday, the perfect storm arrived while I was downtown. Me and my family were driving when we blew a tire. Not a problem right? Even after driving a mile on a flat to a parking space, just replace with the spare. It is when you take the jack and tools out of the vehicle that it gets tricky. Even then one can walk to a shop or flag someone down to borrow their tools. The big thing that became the issue was we had recently taken the glove box out to do some wiring work in the dash, and the tire lock was inside. DON'T FORGET YOUR GLOVE BOX AT HOME is the new phrase for preparedness. See ya and allons-y.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Joy of Children

नमस्ते(Namaste) guys! That is right, we have added India to our list of countries, on this blog and not the other one! I am pretty happy about this and I hope you are too. I will post randomly on both blogs from now on, until I can manage more time to write. Today, I wanted to write about the joy that children can bring. I have been helping with a cub scout pack for a few months now and it is one of the best things I have ever done. I spend most of my time with the tigers, which are first graders. Kids, no matter how badly they behave, will bring a smile to your face and pride to your heart every time they do something right, and sometimes by doing nothing at all. Tonight I am helping the whole pack, made of 1st through 5th graders, with going to a Boondocks to play games and laser tag. They do outings like this from time to time. But, more than anything, I am exited to see the kids. I feel like having them full time may get on my nerves, and I would get tired of them, but I would be glad to work with them more than I do now. I am not advising anyone to have kids, but I am advising everyone to spend some time with them, on a volunteer basis. Nothing is more worth your while. See ya and Allons-y.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Getting out of the zone

So right now what's on my mind is stepping out of our comfort zone. I attended a sports banquet tonight in honor of my team. This is a thing that never could have happened if I stayed with the plan I made in my youngest of youths, to never play a sport ever again... My team was the worst of them all, and since this is our first year we have played, we don't get a division, only scrimmages. But I enjoyed it. That is really my mind right now. But you gotta step out of that comfort zone. Worst case scenario, leave and never go back to that activity. More likely, you will enjoy it. I did.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

How to find good restaurants cheap

So this weekend I went to a nice dinner at The Melting Pot, a great fondue restaurant I know of, on accounts of a special occasion. It, in fact, is my new favorite restaurant. However, as a meal for 6 clocked almost 400 dollars, I will not be going as an every Friday thing. However, many of my favorite restaurants do not cost an arm and a leg, or require reservations, or take many hours to consume. I will teach you my family secret to success in the eating industry. It is a several step process. First, abandon your current eating patterns, most people fall into going to the same few restaurants, locking them into a dangerous cycle of boring same orders and never trying new places, making it impossible to find the good cheap food. The second step is to try the little hole-in-the-wall, mom and pop, run down looking places, especially those that you have not heard anything negative about, or anything by that matter. It is all a game, a gamble, you get really good food at a good price, or it sucks and you don't go back. Food poisoning is something that can happen although it's rare. Some of the best meals I have ever had are a house fried rice at a small local Thai place and a giant Navajo taco that looked like a pizza while passing through the little town of Las Vegas New Mexico in a restaurant themed off of smiley faces. Long story short go to small places, take the risk, it's worth the reward. See ya and allons-y.

Thoughts of the week

So, this week has been pretty good for me. Nico has found out what has been causing his moods (ADD meds and caffeine). However, this week I have been slammed with work. Long story short, do not sign up for presentations while assuming the sign up sheet is in order of when they are due. It may not be and you have half a semester of scattered presentations due in one week.   So, today I would like to talk about priority and work ethic. I recommend, in life, to have a hierarchy of priority, ready to come into play whenever time becomes short. I hate to say it, but my education takes priority right now. Furthermore, I suggest that this list be updated at least monthly, although do not make it your priority, this is a good thing to procrastinate a few days if needed. Furthermore, do not by any means spend extra time on games or fun internet activities when you have already had to eliminate some priorities, you can be strong, soon the time will be there again. This is called work ethic. Now, I'm not going to lie to you and say it can always be fun, or made into a game. This is a lie we are told our whole lives, and are forced to tell others. Sure, it can be fun sometimes, but sometimes it is work, and that's all there is to it. Convince yourself it's worth it and force yourself to do it. It is one small chunk of time and worth it. I do not believe personally in brain breaks, especially if you lack self discipline to get back to work. But all brain breaks, it has been proven, damage productivity for around twenty minutes. I recommend music as an alternative, however, there is catches to that too. If you mess with your playlist, volume, start having your attention drawn to it (I love this song, I hate this song, this is a new one, etc.), or have any other related distractions, it takes time and damages productivity for those same twenty minutes. A lot of experts recommend classical for this, or other lyric-less music. My working playlist is 100 songs long and each one has words, and is the same one I use to work out. They say use a different one for each and have a calmer one for paper and computer work. I find the energy and good mood great for work, but it depends on the person. One final note, make sleep relatively high on the priority list, especially a consistent sleep schedule, but not top. All-nighters are sometimes necessary for work to be finished, or for fun to be had. One thing, always make every thing you do worth the consequences, especially, well for everything in life. Reward-risk-consequences=a mathematical answer for doing our not doing something. Don't let the priority list dictate your life, only when indecisive on how to use time,  because you don't have time for internal debate. See  ya and allons-y.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Change of Plan

Hey guys, I've been doing some thinking and I have decided that I don't want to do two blog posts on a single day, it feels wrong. Also, this blog needs to be less structured. You can expect here on this blog that there will be one post on the weekend and one one midweek, being Wednesday or Thursday. Anyways, update on the whole Nico thing, he decided to seek help on his home, which, to be honest, I was hoping for. He is doing much better and indeed, seems to be acting just fine. I will continue to keep an eye on him though, after all, he lives in another state, so he could be lying. Anyways, thoughts upon my mind right now, friends and forgiveness. Indeed I was able to hang out with some friends of mine this weekend, on the premise of my recently had birthday, and just have fun, do some laser tag and bowling (never too old!), talk some Star Wars and Marvel, and even marathon back to the future. But, what pleased me most was seeing my friend, who shall now be called Bruce. I don't see him nearly as often as any of the others. Yet, he is one of my best friends. Of course, having company and paying their admission into places has been very expensive, and of course, the house is an absolute mess. Heck, I even had an ice cream cake, my favorite, and my slice (we divided the cake evenly) was sabotaged while I was in the restroom. I will just have to wait for more than just a bite. But, boys will be boys, and even though I may be a little upset about all that comes with hosting guests, I found the experience more than worth it. I hope I am able to keep communications with Bruce up better than before, but we will see. Long story short, friendship is a valuable resource, do not squander it. See ya and allons-y.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Beginning of a New Age

Hey Guys. So this past weekend was my birthday, it was a rather good one, as I got to spend some time with some friends of mine, and some family too! It was nothing over done or anything, but I really enjoyed it! For a short while now, I have felt it has been the little things that have been making me the happiest. I am finally learning to enjoy the little things in life, something it has taken me too long to realize. For example, the favorite present I received this year was from my sister, a small Google Play card, which I used to purchase some music from my favorite band, which is Fall Out Boy. I purchased the album Save Rock and Roll, an album I listened to on YouTube all the time and is probably my favorite album that they wrote. My favorite songs on the album are The Phoenix, Young Volcanoes, and Save Rock and Roll, in that order. What many people versed in Fall Out Boy Know is that the songs from said album's music videos, when played in the right order make The Youngblood Chronicles, a movie starring the band. This is the link to said movie free on YouTube. That has really been the main thing on my mind ever since Saturday. Although today, on a spur of the moment thing, realized I could get my blog up and running again, as well as open another one up. This has got me ecstatic. I am becoming concerned for my friend Nico, who is dealing with, we believe, some crippling bipolar depression. He can control it when in groups, but when it is one on one, he can't hide it as well as he'd like. He has full reason to be as sad as he gets, all the time instead of some of it. You can see what I did to try to help him on my other blog The Random Geek. His whole life has been sort of terrible, although from an outsiders perspective, you might think the life sounded pretty OK. You have not, however seen it. I am one of his only friends who has witnessed all that is truly wrong with his life. Many of his closest friends are concerned for him and want him to seek help. I mostly think he needs to concentrate on the little things in life, which I am glad I can now do. For all of you that are not Nico, just remember, no matter how normal someone acts, or how good their life seems from an outside perspective. I don't want to end this on a depressing note however, so lets recap on the main theme right now. Enjoy the little things in life, because often times they contain the most bliss. See ya and allons-y!

New Blog!

Hey guys! While the blog entitled The Random Geek will remain active at, from now on it will only be for geek news and advice, still to be posted Tuesdays for advice and thoughts, with Friday being for news, Musings by The Random Geek will be a bit more personal, and will be updated the same times and days of the week at It will be structured loosely like a log of my life. It will consist of whatever is on my mind. I intend to use code names for all involved to conceal identity. Also, please note that Musings will be just that, musings, which are opinions. Please do not feel offended by anything I post. I am kept to a strict honor code to not divulge names for any persons. See ya and Allons-y